Comparing Ceramic And Porcelain Tiles

Posted on: 15 October 2018

Tiles can be made out of a wide variety of different materials, but two of the most common types of tiles are made out of ceramic and porcelain. Though fairly similar in appearance and function, there are a number of distinctive differences between each material. This means that both ceramic and porcelain offer a different set of advantages over one another to your home, and understanding what these advantages are can help you choose the best type of tile for your building needs.

Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles are an affordable building material, making them ideal for construction and remodeling projects that are under a tight budget. Further, ceramic is a fairly lightweight material (considering that it's a hard surface), which means that it can be cut by hand or through the use of specialized equipment, like a wet tile saw. This gives ceramic tile the advantage of being installed yourself, allowing you to save money on professional installation if you have some construction experience of your own.

However, ceramic tiles require a significant amount of maintenance. They must be sealed every few years, depending on wear and age, to prevent them from absorbing moisture which can cause cracking and damage. Further, ceramic tiles are not colored all the way through, which means that chipping and other forms of physical damage become easily visible on a tiled surface.

Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain tiles, on the other hand, offer a greater degree of durability and longevity when compared to ceramic. This is because of the baking process used to create porcelain; it creates a much harder surface that is then sealed to prevent moisture absorption. This resistance to moisture, coupled with a strong surface, means that porcelain tiles are a multipurpose building material that can be used for a wide range of surfaces, including those on the exterior of your home or even as a countertop. Finally, porcelain tiles also have their colors baked through the entire tile, which means that chipping and damage to the surface of your tiles will be less noticeable when compared to ceramic tiles.

The major downside associated with porcelain tiles is the initial price point. The process of creating porcelain is more expensive than the creation of ceramic, which means that the material costs of porcelain tiles will be higher in general. Furthermore, porcelain's durability means that it can only be cut with specialized equipment, which means that professional installation is necessary for any remodeling project, driving up labor and installation costs. Therefore, porcelain tiles are not ideal for any remodeling or building project that needs to adhere to a strict budget. 

For more information, reach out to companies like Panel Center.


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